Welcome to the Silverleaves Conservation Association
What makes Silverleaves unique?
Silverleaves is known for its winding roads, its signature trees – the Coast Banksias (Banksia integrifolia) - and its wonderful location between the sea and the Rhyll Inlet.
The wetlands, beaches and mudflats of Silverleaves, and the surrounding areas of Rhyll Inlet, support internationally significant populations of wetland birds including migratory shorebirds.
The area supports 44 protected bird species including Hooded Plovers, Red-capped Plovers, Pied Oystercatchers and migratory birds such as Eastern Curlews and Bar-tailed Godwits.
Silverleaves is also home to a wealth of bush birds such as kookaburras, lorikeets, blue wrens, wattlebirds, and firetails.
The north-facing sandy beach is one of the most successful breeding areas for the Hooded Plover on Phillip Island – and in Victoria. Continued education of visitors and home owners is essential for the protection of these birds.
The indigenous coastal vegetation includes Coast Banksias, Coast Tea-trees, Coast Beard-heath, and Sweet Bursaria.
Silverleaves residents and visitors live with wildlife such as echidnas, possums, wallabies, koalas and reptiles.
The area includes the Silverleaves Reserve - a wonderful community parkland.